Sunday, November 1, 2009

I don't know whether to be happy or sad?

Today, I woke up feeling a little sick. My mom came in my room and sat on my bed. You know when your parents do this, it's never a good thing. Well, she told me that my grandma Breazile had passed away this morning around 2ish. It sucks really bad, I'm really horrible at sharing my emotions in real life but I just dont know how to react anymore. I've lost 3 grandparents in the past half year. I haven't even had time to coap with my feelings on one and the next one passes away as well. I just really wish the world would sort of come to a stop, that way I can just sit here and think about my life and try to make things better for not only me, but my family as well.

Last night was Halloween. It was pretty much boring. I sat at my grandmas with my brother, Ema, and Dan. Collin was supposed to come but he was with a friend and didn't want to just "dump his friend off". Funny thing is, he told me yesterday that he would spend Halloween with me if his parents would allow it. So I was pretty much dissapointed with the night.

Today I want to go to Eagle and see all my friend with Amy. I haven't got to ask Amy yet because it's kinda early in the morning. But I'm more afraid of asking my mom. With the whole grandma thing I'm not so sure she wants me to take her car. :( I guess it never hurt to ask right?

R.I.P. Grandma Debbie

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sooo amazing.

...That was probably the most fun I've had in a while! The Kunz Halloween party was BOMB. I ended up being Robin =P So hilarious. && Collin came (: I seriously always have fun when I'm with that boy. If I'm not already smiling from just being with him, he tickles me or tells a joke so I do smile "Darnet". The party really did turn out to be quite wonderful. Lots of people showed up. Almost everyone was dressed up. It was just a good time in all.

Sometime today I think Collin and I are going to get McDonalds lol. (: They just reopened today. It's funny because if you closed the McDonalds in Omaha I think a few people would be mad and would have to drive a little further for their morning coffee but it wouldn't be as huge of a deal as it is here in Nebraska City. Saddly I think I'm going twice today. Once for the breakfast and once for lunch (:

And later on today, Collin and I are going to watch a movie (: Pretty much spending the whole day with that boy. Which means...Today will be a WONDERFUL day.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm Alive! (:

So today, she totally didn't talk to me at all. In a way I find this a good thing! So im pretty happy. The only thing that bothered me today was that they were all talking about me in American Lit. again! I figure once you hit highschool you begin to mature to the point where you learn that gossiping isn't nearly as fun as it is made out to be. Obviously I am saddly mistaken.

On at good note, tonight is the Kunz halloween party (: I'm so excited. I am going with Collin and Briann! I am not quite sure what I am going to be yet. I was thinking of being like colorful with a hat that says "Happy Un-Birthday" just because. Soo...maybe.?? They will be mildly angry if I don't dress up, sounds like a plan!

Today Ammon was in a happy mood (: Which is a plus. That boy always seems to be sad about something. I just wish things would stay good for him so I don't have to keep up with his moods =P

Anywayssss....I think I'm going to find some bright colors to wear for tonight. I totally told Collin he didn't have to dress up. Hopefully there are plenty others that aren't (:
Silly boy!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I really don't know why I do things like this? I pretty much walked into a death trap.

You see there's this girl that I have been friends with for a while. We aren't the friends that hang out on the weekend but the friend that you see in the hallway and hug or say "Hello." And she recently got out of a relationship with this boy. I never intended for this to happen, but shortly after they broke up, the boy and I started to talk a bit. Just cute nothings, he told me I was pretty and the crush started to form you could say. Well, we went on a date and it went amazing and I really started to like him. We hug in the hallway and text constantly. I thought she knew just by "the word on the street" and so I was talking about it to this girl. Little did I know the girl two class periods later would talk about it to my friend. I am in this class period. So you can kinda picture me sitting there "doing my work" but really I was listening in. I heard every word that was spoken of me and the boy.

Well, today I decided it would be a good day to kinda talk to my friend about it. So over facebook chat (yes, I am a chicken) I decided I would say "Hello." She reponded with "How are you hun?" Acting as if it had never happened. This was odd. Well I continued with answering the question and asking it in return. She started to ask me about an old fling. Still pretending as if nothing has happened. So I got up the courage and told her there was something I was meaning to talk to her about. She tells me she has to go, but will talk to me about it tomorrow at school. AWKWARD!

So lets just say...this may be my first...and last blog post (:

Goodbye world.